5 Tips for an Easy Sunday Reset Routine (Even If You Have a Cleaner)

Having a cleaner visit during the week can be a great help, but maintaining a clean and organised home requires daily effort. Sunday can be the perfect day for a reset, preparing your home for the week ahead. Here are five tips to make this process easy and time-effective, especially knowing your lovely cleaner will be visiting soon!

1. Maintain Daily:
Even with a cleaner, daily maintenance is key. Simple tasks like making the bed, washing dishes immediately after use, and putting things back in their place can make a huge difference. This way, your Sunday reset will be more about tidying the space and less about cleaning.

2. Plan Your Week:
Use Sundays to plan your week ahead. This includes meal planning, scheduling appointments, and setting out clothes for the week. This not only saves time during the week but also reduces clutter and last-minute stress.

3. Find a Spot to Declutter:
Regular decluttering can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend organising. Instead of using your Sunday’s to clean, make it a habit to get rid of items you no longer need or use. This not only frees up space but also makes your home more comfortable and easier to clean.

4. Prepare for Your Cleaner:
To make the most of your cleaner's visit, spend some time on Sunday organising your space. This could mean clearing off surfaces, putting away personal items, or making a list of areas you want them to focus on. This ensures we can get straight to work and do a more effective job!

5. Create a Relaxing Environment:
End your Sunday reset by creating a relaxing environment for the week ahead. This could involve fluffing some pillows, rearranging your decor, or bringing out that cozy blanket. You’ll get to enjoy an inviting space even more once it’s been thoroughly cleaned after a visit from our team!

With these tips, your Sunday reset can become a simple, manageable, and even enjoyable task. Remember, the goal is not perfection, but a space that allows you to start your week on a positive note.

Looking for some assistance with cleaning? Let’s chat!

Call us on 0432 510 844, email to hello@allsortssorted.com or enquire on our website below.


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