The Best End of Day Cleaning Routine

Maintaining a clean and organised home between visits from our team doesn't have to be a time-consuming chore. With a quick and efficient end-of-day cleaning routine, you can keep your space looking its best without . In this blog post, we will detail a simple step-by-step guide to add into your evenings to wake up with a fresh home.

Clean Up the Clutter
The first step in your end-of-day cleaning routine is to tackle the clutter. Take a few minutes to go through each room in your home and gather up any items that are out of place. Put away shoes, jackets, toys, and other belongings that have been left lying around. Decluttering surfaces will instantly make your space look neater and more organised.

Tidy Up the Bedrooms
Next, focus on tidying up the bedroom. Open up your sheets for sleeping, organise the pillows, and straighten out any blankets or throws. Take a moment to pick up any items, clothing or laundry that may have accumulated throughout the day. Put dirty clothes in the hamper and hang up or fold clean laundry to keep your bedroom looking tidy.

Clean Countertops
Head to the kitchen and bathroom to clean countertops and surfaces. Grab a microfibre cloth and some all-purpose cleaner to quickly wipe down countertops, sinks, and other high-touch areas. This will help remove any spills, crumbs, or residue, leaving your kitchen and bathroom looking clean and fresh.

Clear the Floors
Finish off your end-of-day cleaning routine by sweeping, vacuuming, or spot-mopping the floors. Focus on high-traffic areas such as entryways, kitchen floors, and living room spaces. This quick cleanup will help remove dirt and debris, keeping your floors looking tidy and well-maintained.

This end-of-day routine helps maintain a clean and stops any clutter or dirt from building up to un-manageable levels. Tackling clutter, tidying up the bedroom, cleaning countertops, and sorting the floors will help you maintain a tidy living space without spending hours cleaning. Incorporate these tasks into your daily routine and enjoy a clean and welcoming home every day!

Let’s talk in a way to suit you!

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